Your slavers will find this work demeaning and will suffer morale loss for being on this assignment. If you don't have them then you won't be able to do anything else so time to have a look around the local area to see what can be found. You're always going to need more supplies to keep the encampment going be they food, drink, alcohol, lube, whatever. 9.1 Trading - Take a Slave to Auction - (Three Slavers) - (One Slave) - (Five Days) - (Special).8.2.2 Back Alley Abduction - Infiltration - (Common).8.2.1 Dance the Night Away - Infiltration - (Common).8.1.2 Scout the City - Exploration - (Standard).8.1.1 Listening to Whispers - Diplomacy - (Standard).7.9.1 Treachery Most Foul (requires 8 supplies) (Corruption Option).7.6 Tyrannical Legacy - Exploration (Rare).7.4 In Pursuit of Arrogance - Marauding - (Uncommon).7.2.1 Hold back the Dark (requires 14 supplies).7.1.1 Scout the Deep Mountains (requires 7 supplies).6.3.2 Spectacle of the Sacred - (Three Slavers)(Marauding).6.2.2 Slaving - The Price of Freedom - (Two Slavers) - (Two Days) - (Standard).6.2.1 Whores for the Whore Makers (requires 2 supplies).6.2 Scout the Coast (requires 6 supplies).6.1.1 Scour Dockside Taverns for New Talent (requires 100 gold and 2 supplies).5.4.1 Follow the Dancing Lights (requires 3 supplies).5.3.1 Passing Blight (requires 7 supplies).5.2.2 Toll Bridge (requires 12 supplies).5.1.1 Scout the Ever Forest- (Standard).4.4.1 Quick as You Like - Slaving (Rare).4.3.3 Unattended - Scavenging - (Uncommon).4.3.2 Marauding - Raid Isolated Draenei Farm - (Two Slavers).4.3.1 A Word in Your Ear - Diplomacy (Uncommon).

4.2.5 Halt Draenei Caravan - Marauding - (Common).4.2.4 Marauding - Raid Isolated Human Farm - (Two Slavers).4.2.3 Raid Human Village - Marauding - (Common).4.2.2 Sweet Elixir - Diplomacy - (Common).4.2.1 Lead Astray - Infiltration - (Common).4.1.3 Sell Excess Supplies - Trading (Standard).4.1.1 Scout the Plains - Exploration (Standard).3.1.13 Required: One Female or Sissy Slave.3.1.9 Basic Blowjob Training *REQUIRES BASIC OBEDIENCE TRAINING.3.1.5 Basic Sissification Training* REQUIRES BASIC OBEDIENCE TRAINING.2.2 Recapture Escaped Slave (requires 0 supplies).